Welcome to our online kids coding class! We are excited to have you and your child join us. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before signing up for our online class.

1 Code of Ethics and Moral Standards
As a participant in our online kids coding class, we expect you and your child to adhere to ethical and moral standards. This includes treating others with respect, refraining from any form of bullying or discrimination, and refraining from any behavior that could be harmful to others.
2 Importance of Attendee
We require that each attendee takes their participation in our online kids coding class seriously. Please ensure that your child is available for the full duration of the class, is attentive during the lessons, and actively participates in class activities.
3 Assignments and Assessments
Our online kids coding class will include assignments and assessments to help your child better understand the concepts taught in class. It is important that your child completes these assignments to the best of their abilities and submits them in a timely manner.
4 Payment and Refunds
We require payment for our online kids coding class to be made in advance. Refunds will be granted only in cases where the participant is unable to attend due to extenuating circumstances. All refund requests must be made in writing.
5 Intellectual Property
All the content provided by our online kids coding class is the intellectual property of KUKUNET digital. It is prohibited to use or share our content without our express permission.
6 Changes to the Course
We reserve the right to modify or cancel our online kids coding class without notice. In such cases, we will make every effort to provide a suitable alternative or a full refund.
7 Confidentiality
We respect the privacy of all our participants and will ensure that all personal information provided to us is kept confidential. However, we cannot be held responsible for any information shared by participants in chat or online forums.
8 Disclaimer of Liability
KUKUNET digital and its instructors will not be held liable for any injuries, losses, or damages incurred during the online kids coding class. Participants are responsible for their own safety and well-being. By registering for our online kids coding class, you agree to these terms and conditions. We reserve the right to terminate the participation of any participant who fails to comply with these terms and conditions.

Thank you!
KUKUNET digital admin