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Overview of Python: history, features, applications
Installing Python (Anaconda distribution recommended)
Setting up development environment (Jupyter Notebook, VS Code)
Python as a calculator (Arithmetic operations) Variables and data types (integers, floats, strings) Comments and basic output (print function) Conditional statements (if, else, elif) Looping constructs (for loops, while loops) Using range() function Creating and manipulating lists List indexing and slicing List methods (append, extend, etc.) Tuple basics and immutability Set fundamentals and operations Creating dictionaries Accessing and manipulating dictionary elements Dictionary methods Defining functions Function arguments (positional and keyword) Scope and lifetime of variables Importing modules Creating and using Python packages Exploring standard library modules Opening and reading files Writing to files Using context managers (with statement) Handling exceptions (try, except, finally) Raising exceptions Defining classes and creating objects Class attributes and methods Constructor and destructor methods Extending classes (inheritance) Method overriding Polymorphism and method overloading


Overview of Java: history, features, applications Installing JDK (Java Development Kit) Setting up development environment (IDE like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse) Writing your first Java program (Hello World) Variables and data types (int, double, String, etc.) Comments and basic output (System.out.println) Conditional statements (if, else if, else) Looping constructs (for loop, while loop) Using break and continue statements Defining classes and creating objects Class members (fields, methods) Constructors (default, parameterized) Extending classes (superclass, subclass) Method overriding Access modifiers (public, private, protected) Method overloading Method overriding and dynamic method dispatch Accessor (getter) and mutator (setter) methods Encapsulation in Java Defining interfaces and implementing them Abstract classes and abstract methods Declaring and initializing arrays Array operations (traversal, sorting) Introduction to collections (List, Set, Map) Iterating over collections Handling exceptions (try-catch block) Multiple catch blocks Finally block and try-with-resources Reading from and writing to files Using FileReader, FileWriter, BufferedReader, BufferedWriter Introduction to generics Using generic classes and methods Basics of JavaFX application structure Creating GUI applications with JavaFX Implementing a small-scale project using Java concepts learned Application of OOP principles and best practices Recap of key concepts and topics covered Addressing common challenges and questions Understand the fundamentals of Java programming language. Develop proficiency in using Java for basic application development. Prepare for further learning in Java programming or related fields. No prior programming experience required, but familiarity with basic computer operations is beneficial.

Full stack web development

Overview of web development technologies Client-side vs. server-side programming Structure of HTML documents HTML elements, attributes, and semantic tags Forms and input elements CSS syntax and selectors Styling text, links, and backgrounds Layout techniques (flexbox, grid) CSS specificity and inheritance CSS transitions, animations, and transforms CSS preprocessors (e.g., SASS) Media queries and breakpoints Creating mobile-friendly layouts Introduction to frameworks like Bootstrap JavaScript fundamentals (variables, data types, operators) Functions and control flow (loops, conditionals) Accessing and modifying HTML elements Event handling and listeners Setting up a development environment Components and props/state Routing and handling user input State management basics (context or Vuex) Setting up Node.js and npm Building a simple server with Express.js Handling HTTP requests and responses

Artificial Intellegence

What is AI? History, applications, and impact AI vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning Rule-based systems Search algorithms (e.g., BFS, DFS) Optimization algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithms) Variables, data types, and basic operations Control flow (if statements, loops) Functions and modules in Python Basics of NumPy arrays Data manipulation with Pandas DataFrames Regression vs. Classification Linear regression and logistic regression Clustering (e.g., K-means clustering) Dimensionality reduction (e.g., PCA) Building decision trees Ensemble methods and random forests Perceptrons and feedforward neural networks Activation functions (e.g., sigmoid, ReLU) Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image recognition Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for sequential data Introduction to TensorFlow or PyTorch Building and training neural networks Text preprocessing (tokenization, stemming, lemmatization) Sentiment analysis and text classification Word2Vec and GloVe embeddings Applications of word embeddings in NLP tasks Diagnostics and personalized medicine Telemedicine and patient monitoring

Mobile application development

Overview of mobile platforms (iOS, Android) Native vs. hybrid vs. web apps Installing IDEs (Android Studio for Android, Xcode for iOS) Overview of development tools and SDKs Overview of languages (Java/Kotlin for Android, Swift for iOS) Basics of programming concepts (variables, control structures) Introduction to UI components (buttons, text fields, layouts) Design principles and user experience (UX) considerations Android architecture and components (Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers) Building your first Android app XML layouts and views Handling user interaction (click events, gestures) Storing data locally (SharedPreferences, SQLite) Working with files (reading/writing files) Making network calls (HTTP requests) Parsing JSON data iOS architecture and components (View Controllers, UIKit) Creating a basic iOS app Making network requests with URLSession Parsing JSON data with Codable Overview of cross-platform development frameworks Setting up a development environment

HTML,CSS and Java Script

Overview of front-end vs. back-end development Structure of web pages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) Text editors (Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code) Web browsers and developer tools Understanding HTML structure (elements, tags, attributes) Creating a basic HTML document HTML5 semantic elements Creating forms for user input Input types (text, password, checkbox, radio, etc.) CSS syntax and selectors (element, class, ID) Applying styles (color, fonts, text formatting) Understanding the box model (margin, border, padding) Layout techniques (floats, flexbox, grid) Media queries and viewport settings Creating responsive layouts Adding animations to elements Transition effects (hover effects, slide, fade) Variables, data types, and operators Functions and control flow (if statements, loops) Integrating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a dynamic web application Implementing interactive features and user experience enhancements Debugging JavaScript code Testing functionality across different browsers

GIS and Remote sensing

1 Introduction To GIS Application of GIS ArcMap and ArcCatalog applications ArcCatalog Exploring Arc Catalog and viewing data Connect to a Folder Displaying data Symbolizing features Changing symbology Symbolizing features by categorical attribute Symbolizing layers to represent quantity Joining tables and symbolize 2 Geoprocessing Tool Buffer Clip Intersect Union Merge Dissolve 3 Selection or Querying Data In ArcMap Select by attributes Select features by location Attribute tab Column position Freeze a column Sorting columns 4 Geo-Referencing from scanned map from image to image What Is Geodatabase Creating a personal Geodatabase in arc GIS Software Creating a new feature dataset Creating a new feature class Digitization Create a domain Importing GPS data in to arc GIS 5 Map Creating Export Map Map elements Insert title Insert a coordinate system Insert grids Insert different lines or shape 6 Land Use Land Cover Classification Supervised and unsupervised classification


1 Introduction R, RStudio installation Getting to know the interface of R studio (Console, script editor, r object environment, plots ) Setting working directory Inbuilt functions and packages Installing packages Data types in R (strings, numbers, objects, factors, lists, dataframe, arrays, matrices) R commands Preliminary data manipulation Mean, standard deviation, median, minimum, maximum, range, coefficient of variance, anova 2 Data re-structuring using dplyr Piping Group_by Select Filter Mutate rbind cbind summarize 3 Advanced data manipulation and statistics For loop Function Simple linear regression Multiple regression Non-linear regression 4 Graphics in r Basic plots in R Ggplot: bar plot, histogram, line plots, box plot…. 5 Classification and clustering Logistic regression Random forest k-means clustering Decision tree classifier 6 Other analysis Geospatial analysis and other programming in r